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Monday 20 June 2011


Day 6 - I'm setting up an i-google account for Thing 4.  I've chosen the 3D views theme, which currently is showing me the pyramids from above. It's not really 3D, more 'satellite from above' but it was the best of a fairly generic bunch.  A few friends of mine have i-google as their homepage on their laptops, and I've always thought it seems quite useful, although not something that I think would stop me visiting individual websites anyway e.g. BBC News - somethings are force of habit/moderate obsession.  We'll have to see about that.  I've added BBC News as one of my gadgets, along with dictionary, Pacman and Google Translate - an invaluable tool in finding interlibrary loans abroad!  What strikes me most about some of these gadgets is how ridiculous they are - virtual panda, anyone?  Cat picture of the day?  The internet is just full of people who make silly gadgets/websites/apps and make money from it.  It truly is the playground of the entrepreneur.  Now to play some pacman, sitting on the desk will never be the same again...

EDIT: Oh dear, we don't have right plug-in down here, so I think that one will bite the dust.

1 comment:

  1. Great you're having fun with igoogle! And yes there is a lot of rubbish on the web. It's the smae with apps, books, magazines etc. We can't be highbrow all the time but I gues that's what an info prof is all about - finding the nuggets of gold amongst the rock.

    Agree that visiting some sites is a habit, esp bbc news, but this is a very useful way to get people to understand the concepts of rss if they are new to it so It's one I always use in workshops for studnets & researchers.

    Besides sometimes it's nice to visit pages and to look for funny things!

    Rowena 23 Things Team
