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Thursday 16 June 2011

OCB (Obsessive Compulsive Blog-checking)

Yesterday afternoon I went on a graduate trainee trip to the British Library, and by the time I got home in the evening I couldn't stop myself - I checked my blog.  I was delighted to see colleagues had commented, that I had been added to the list of 23 Things City bloggers and that 75 people had viewed my page.  After watching some TV and reading, I then checked my blog again...twice, delighted to see a few more views.  Now I'm on the desk again, I have opened up the LMS, cleared expired holds from the holdshelf, checked the self-return boxes and I'm back on my blog.  However, now I find nothing much has changed; I have 88 views on my ticker.

While I didn't expect to find blogging so thrilling (as you'll well know from day one), I'm now a bit frustrated by how slow it is.  I've been tweeting for a couple of years now and it is instant gratification.  There's always something happening, new tweets popping into existence, people respond to your tweets sometimes within minutes; slowly but surely it has become an acceptable social network to use when working, revising and at all other times via smartphone.  We'll be getting to twitter in a few weeks, and I don't want to jump the gun, but an initial impression is that I have moderate OCB - enthusiasm for my new blog - and I'm willing to be sated but I'm not quite yet, because nothing much has happened.


  1. Cross-referencing... there's comments about this difference between fb and twitter under this post.

  2. Ha! I just commented on that. We're doing 'cool thing 1' so very well.

    Shame there's no way in the system to merge comments and link blogs more effectively. That would be quite cool.

  3. Just posted a comment on Matthew's blog about this.

    The good thing is that we have lots of different ways to communicate - or does this make everything more complicated?

    You can of course tweet that you have updated your blog, as lots of people do, in a way to get the longer stuff out there.
    Some blogs do have a peer review process - not sure you could achieve this on twitter!

    Rowena 23 Things team

  4. Oooh the British Library. When I was a young whipper snapper of a Library Assistant like yourself.... I said I would be director of the British Library by the time I was 40. 4 years to go then.... there is still time!
